Robotech Reviewed

Brought to you from the same guy who did Degrassi Junior High reviewed. Here I'll review the classic 80's cartoon series Robotech. Since this is the 30th anniversary, why not? New reviews at least once a week, some times maybe twice.

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Episode 5, “Transformation”

Hey everyone. Sorry for the big delay in reviews. I took on a little too much and this one got the shaft. But I’ll try to update this more regularly.

title transformation

So we start once again with yet another recap. I don’t have to repeat everything because we all know what’s happened since the first episode. The narrator comes on and explains how they’re still in the orbit of Pluto and the citizen’s of Macross Island have rebuilt the city inside. Yes I know, that itself was a bit of a recap.

Monster Destroid

Inside the Chinese restaurant, Minmei is cleaning up and humming Here Comes The Bride. She’s probably thinking of the mock wedding she forced Rick to part take in because she’s a selfish asshole. Her uncle Max and Aunt Lena come in and Max is complaining about getting a little packet for rations. Tubby is lucky he got anything. Lena asks her how Rick is doing and she mentions that he’s still in bed. Aunt Lena saying that after watching over her for two weeks, he deserves a rest. See, even aunt Lena knows what a pain in the ass Minmei is.

Uncle Max, Minmei, Aunt Lena

Minmei then asks them if they’re going to reopen the restaurant, but uncle Max is all, “What do you mean open the restaurant?” And Minmei being annoying perky says that it would be fun to reopen and they can make do with what they have. She’s so sure that the military will give them extra food. That just shows how she thinks that everyone will just give her what she wants. And you know what? She does get what she wants. Minmei goes to change and she has a Chinese dress and Princess Leia hair now.

minmei chinese outfit

The mayor and his prude of a wife see that they’re trying to reopen the restaurant and he get’s all annoyed with them. But Minmei being a master manipulator convinces him that it’s the best idea in the world. Just then another six wheeled jeep pulls up with a couple of solders and they can’t believe their fucking eyes. Minmei invites them inside and tries to take their order. Right away the guys starts asking her in not a subtle way if they were keeping busy fucking their brains out the whole time they were missing. Minmei get’s all pissed off and tells them that Rick’s just her friend.

Poor Rick, he’s standing on the stairs and hears the exact moment when Minmei banishes him into the friend zone. He goes into his room and flashes back to Minmei bitching about dying and then begging to be held.


In some lab or whatever it is on board the SDF-1 Captain Gloval has a conversation with the strange looking Dr Lang. I say that he’s strange looking because his eyes are completely black and he has a German accent. But apparently Dr Lang is Robotechnology’s resident expert, so Gloval goes to him with all the important technical questions. The main question being if the main gun is useful still. But since the goddamn Fold System just happened to do a vanishing act, it took all the conduit that would have gone to the main gun. So it’s useless. But A HA! Dr Lang explains that the SDF-1 is modular also, so it can change it’s shape so that the main gun can become functional again. But Gloval thinking about the citizen’s of the ship doesn’t want to do it because changing the shape of the ship would seriously fuck up Macross city big time, so he doesn’t want to disrupt their lives anymore then he has to. Saying, “No, it would be too much!”

Dr Lang SDF-1 Schematic

Back at the restaurant. Rick passes by and Minmei says, “Oh hi Rick.” But Rick just keeps on walking without saying a word. What a surprise, she actually noticed that he’s depressed. In some hanger Rick is looking at the wreckage of his racer plane and Roy comes along asking to see his junk pile. Rick get’s all pissed off and points out again how he won the amateur flying circus 8 years in a row. Again, that’s something that one shouldn’t be bragging about Rick. Roy just blows him off and asks him to take a walk with him.

Rick walking by

Outside of the Battle Fortress they seemed to have connected both of the aircraft carriers to it. Rick can’t believe what he’s seeing, especially seeing the Veritech’s flying out in the vacuum of space. But that’s Robotechnology for you baby! Roy not beating about the bush asks Rick to join up with the defense forces. But Rick is adamant about not joining up. Rick tries to bring up the fact that Minmei changed her personality with him virtually over night. Roy just blows him off and mentions how Minmei asked him to have a talk with him. Roy tells him to go on and have a talk with her. But before he leaves he mentions how a girl like her is fickle as hell and will probably end up getting with one of the fighter pilots on board. So Rick shouldn’t wait too long to make a move.

Prometheus flight deck rick roy

We cut back to Lunar orbit with the Zentraedi fleet and Breetai and Exedore are checking out videos from the battle that happened on the surface of Macross Island. We come upon scene after scene of fucked up images of human beings being killed in all sorts of horrible ways. Even some poor bastard being kicked off a building from a Battlepod. But the thing that troubles them is the fact that the humans are super small. The Zentraedi refer to anything smaller than they are as Micronians. Exedore being a huge geek in the Zentraedi world tells Breetai of an old legend warning them to keep their filthy mitts off of any Micronian planets that happen to come across. Why? He doesn’t say, but he suggests caution. But Breetai doesn’t give a shit about such foolish things. He orders a fold to go and find the SDF-1 again. So off they go!

battlepod dying human people getting killed

In Minmei’s bedroom they have some small talk and Rick notices a letter on top of her dresser. Rick being stupid assumes that it’s a love letter from some douchebag that she’s banging. But she tells him to read it if he likes. Rick not being able to give her any privacy right away opens it up and reads it. Turns out that she was accepted for the Miss Macross pageant. Minmei mentions how all her dreams are over and who care’s if she’s a star on board the SDF-1. She asks Rick if he has a dream and he mentions how his dream is all fucked up in some hanger some where and he can’t help being all emo. He says, “I’ll never have another dream again. Even Minmei get’s annoyed and says, “Oh Rick!”

Uh oh. Out in space we see the SDF-1 cruising by, but all of a sudden there’s a big flash of light behind them. Right away radar detects the Fold jump and Gloval orders a counter attack. The pilots then rush to their Veritechs. The carriers launching squadron after squadron. Rick and Minmei seemed to have found a perch high up on the ship and all of a sudden an alarm goes off and someone on the PA gives an air raid warning. She asks him if they’ll be alright. Rick all surly says not to worry about it because Roy will take care of it. “As usual.” For once thinking of Rick, she tries to kiss his ass and tells him that he’s as good a pilot as Roy is.

rick minmei

Once again Robotech gives us a massive dog fight, but this time it’s in the cosmos. We see VT’s and Battlepods engaging each other. Blowing each other to shit. Roy mentions how the Battlepods seem to be maneuvering much better out in the vacuum of space.

SDF-1 battle SDF-1 battlepods veritechs roy

In his flagship. Both Breetai and Exedore can’t figure out why they haven’t fired the main gun yet. Exedore being a little bastard suggests fucking with them, just to see what they’ll do. Breetai orders a recon ship to open fire but not to hit the SDF-1 too badly. Right away scores of Veritechs are nailed in the cross fire. It’s a wonder they have any fighter groups left with all the killing going on. Roy meanwhile is showing everyone what a bad ass fighter pilot he is. Taking out scores of Battlepods in the process.

exedore Veritech destroyed

On the bridge of the SDF-1 Gloval loses his cap due to another direct hit. He looks even more like Rasputin then before. Vanessa reports to him that they’ve lost a number of defensive batteries and they won’t be able to be repaired for hours. It’s just one bad damage report after another. The ship is rocked by another explosion again and so Gloval decides to hell with the people of the city and he orders the Modular Transformation in order to fire the main gun.

captain gloval

On the PA Lisa gives the order for the Modular Transformation and for people to head on over to the emergency shelters. Rick and Minmei hear all this information, but then just blow it off because they’re only concerned about their own bullshit. Minmei being a bitch mentions how Roy and the other pilots out there are risking their lives in order to save everyone aboard the ship. Rick definitely picks up on her being sassy and get’s pissed off. He mentions how if he joins up that he can get killed but Minmei says that all the solders are in exactly the same position. Rick says, “Oh yeah? The same position, you would be the one to know, now wouldn’t you?” Oh burn, take that ho!

In the bridge the countdown for the transformation is up and Gloval orders it to be done. Back on their little perch Rick says, “You know Minmei, sometimes I think it would be better if they never have found us.” Minmei all upset now says, “I can’t believe I’m hearing that from you. How can you be so cruel. Oh I hate you!!” Rick tells her that the feeling is mutual but they’re interrupted by the whole fucking ship coming apart in sections. The place where they were at suddenly splits in half and Minmei hangs on for dear life or else she’s going to fall all the way down to the city. Funny how not even two seconds have passed since she said I hate you and now she’s begging him to save her again. Rick of course jumps across to her side of the spilt and tries to pull her up.

minmei hanging

Outside the ship is changing shape big time. Inside is a different story though. People and cars are being sucked out into space before a big barrier comes down to plug the hole. But people are being killed anyways because whole buildings are coming down, crushing people to death. Roy amazed says, “So that’s the modular transformation.” Now that it’s finished changing shape, the SDF-1 now looks like a huge fucking robot. And who doesn’t like a gargantuan robot?

people killed SDF-1 SDF-1 attack mode

Claudia reports that radar has picked up another attack formation of enemy vessels heading their way. Gloval orders them to ignore that shit and for Claudia to fire the main gun. Claudia flips the switch and this humongous orange beam fires out of the two booms of the main gun. Battlepod after battlepod are destroyed instantly. We get another graphic piece of animation and it’s of a Battlepod coming apart in sections, with armor flying off all over the place until we see the Zentraedi pilot being exposed and then vaporized. This is a shot that I’ve remembered since I first saw it as a kid. But not only are the fighters destroyed, but so is the scout ship. Breetai and Exedore have no idea what just happened.

SDF-1 main gun

battlepod battlepod 2 Zentraedi pilot killed

In the bridge the gals are celebrating completely annihilating the enemy contacts. Gloval all subdued orders a full damage report. On the PA some announcer tells the people that whatever damage occured was regrettable but the fire of the main gun completely fucked up the enemy forces and then thanks them for their cooperation. Minmei just can’t help being a bitch and says, “Well Rick you said you wanted to destroy the town. How do you like it?” Rick should have told her to fuck off, but all he says is, “I didn’t actually expect anything to happen.” Minmei of course being totally selfish and thinking of herself wonders out loud if their restaurant was destroyed. All of a sudden Rick announces to her that he’s going to join the defense forces. Any viewer of this can tell that he’s just doing it to please her.

Macross City destroyed Minmei and Rick

So this was another good episode, had plenty of good action and great animation. Minmei of course was irritating as hell, but we’ve all come to expect that now. But stay tuned for next time because the next episode is another good one as they have a battle in the rings of Saturn.

Firsts: SDF-1 Transformation.

Robotech Death Count: Well with the people dying in the transformation and whole Veritech squadrons being destoryed, I would say that close to 300 may have died. Who knows how many thousands of Zentraedi died in the battle though.