Robotech Reviewed

Brought to you from the same guy who did Degrassi Junior High reviewed. Here I'll review the classic 80's cartoon series Robotech. Since this is the 30th anniversary, why not? New reviews at least once a week, some times maybe twice.

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Episode 7, “Bye-Bye Mars”

Well if you haven’t guessed it already, this episode takes place on Mars.

The narrator comes on and tells us that the Zentraedi has sent a recon ship to Mars so that they can then stage an ambush since it’s pretty obvious that the SDF-1 is going to try and land at a deserted outpost called Base Sara. So wow, many months must have passed by because clearly they’ve passed Jupiter and the asteroid belt.

Bye Bye Mars

In Breetai’s flagship Exedore is explaining to him why the outpost is destroyed and he goes on to say that it seems that they killed each other there and the people who survived didn’t last long. Breetai then informs him that he’s ordered the 7th Mechanized Division of the Botoru Battalion to assemble there at once. But Exedore objects to this big time because their leader Khyron is a maniac who will kill his own men in order to win a battle. He goes on to say that they call him The Backstabber. Breetai seems to like this for some reason, but that’s when all these collision alarms go off. All of a sudden this even stranger looking ship comes out of a fold and scrapes against Breetai’s massive flagship. Right away Exedore is beyond pissed and says that Khyron is completely with out discipline. To make his argument he comes on screen and his dumbass 2nd in command Grel says, “Ha just as I thought, we crashed into four ships total, you thought it would be three at the most. I win the bet.” Khyron instantly get’s super pissed and yells at him saying, “Be quiet you fool our conversation is being broadcast.” That’s when Breetai can’t take anymore and tells him that if he keeps pulling this shit that he’ll take away his command. Then he gives him his orders that he is to land on Mars and that he wants the SDF-1 trapped with gravity mines and to capture it intact.

Khyron, Grel

All of a sudden we switch to Vanessa telling Captain Gloval that she has enemy ships coming up on her radar. This being Robotech we get another big battle with Veritech’s and Battlepods getting into this massive dog fight in space. Rick see’s a couple of Veritech’s get blown away near him and he thinks to himself, “I can be next!” Just as the fight is getting thick the Zentraedi all of a sudden break their attack and retreat.

Rick VeritechRick Cockpit

On board the Prometheus Rick tells Roy that the daily battles are tiring him out. Roy suggests that he go into the city and have himself a good time. As he’s walking along in Macross city Vanessa comes on the PA and tells the people that they were attacked by a 120 enemy pods but that their air wings were able to drive them off with light casualties. The people murmur in approval but Rick makes a shocked face and he knows that they’re being lied to now. Just then Minmei says hi to Rick and she actually notices that he seems upset. Rick tells her that they hardly hit half of the pods and they had way heavier casualties than the enemy. But she’s so damn annoying. All cheerfully and giggling, she just blows him off and says that it won’t help anyone by staying depressed about it. She doesn’t seem to realize what kind of situation they’re really in.

Rick, Minmei

In the bridge Kim is telling Gloval that they seem to be getting a message from Sara Base. Lisa for some reason sounds like she’s full of hope that their might be some survivors there. Why? We’ll find out soon and it’s sick! Anyways, Gloval orders them to change course to Mars because he wants to land the ship to do some repairs and get resupplied if possible.

SDF-1, Mars

We cut to Lisa and she’s having a flash back thinking about her fiance named Carl Rieber. Carl’s talking about Mars and the fact that he’ll be shipping off there the following week. But here’s the fucked up part. Lisa looks like she’s about 12 and Carl around either 19 or 20. Carl complains about all the fighting that’s going on because the Global Civil War was raging at the time. Right then and there Lisa decides to enlist when she’s older so that she can go up to Mars to be with him. Carl tells her to keep it a secret from her father. Not because he’s an Admiral in the armed forces, but because he would cut off Carl’s balls and send his ass to jail for having an inappropriate relationship with his very young daughter. He tells her good bye and stupid Lisa says, “And remember I love you!” Back on the bridge Lisa is near tears while looking at Mars.

Lisa, CarlLisa, Carl kiss

Gloval orders a recon unit to make a fly by of the base, but they don’t detect anything on the surface. Turns out that Khyron and his forces are hiding in a canyon with all their power sources turned off. Slowly the SDF-1 lands nearby the base. But Khyron’s 3rd in command Geraro tells him that they didn’t land where the gravity mines are at, but Khyron tells him not to worry about it because he knows that eventually they’ll move in closer. We see a bunch of Destroids coming out of one of the carriers to secure a supply route while the Veritech’s give them fighter cover over head. Anyone who’s seen this show before knows how completely useless the Destroids are.

Destroids on Mars

Now that the convoy is fully supplied Gloval orders the SDF-1 to move closer to the base and now they’re pretty much screwed here because they’ve now fallen into the trap. On the bridge Lisa asks Captain Gloval for permission to go down to Base Sara to check the source of the signals. She practically begs him to go down because she’s so desperate to meet her pedo lover again. Inside his Battaloid Rick asks Roy if he can get a day off next week. That’s when Roy tells him that the whole squadron has asked for the same day off too. Apparently Minmei is having a birthday party and she invited practically the entire air wing to it. So Rick right now must not be feeling pretty special. She probably even invited Otto the garbage man to attend because she’s so starved for attention.

Lisa, Battaloids

Lisa has finally made it inside the base and right away sees that the computer is turned on all by itself, but can’t figure out how it’s on since there’s no one around. Back at the canyon Khyron is getting impatient and is asking Geraro if the gravity mines are set yet, but he tells him that they’re only at 70%. All of a sudden this voice comes in and he tells Khyron that he can’t wait anymore and he’s going to attack now. We then see a Battlepod taking off, that’s when Khyron tracks it in his Officers Pod and shoots his ass down, not killing him, but seriously damaging his pod. He goes on to say, “Listen to me you empty headed idiot. Don’t you ever disobey an order of mine again. Or I shall kill you next time. You understand” Yup, they don’t call him the backstabber for nothing.

Battlepod destroyedKhyron

Right away the radar in the SDF-1 detected an explosion and Gloval sends a Cat’s Eye recon plane to head on over there. The recon report comes in and they can all clearly see all the Battlepod’s waiting in the canyon. Gloval orders a recall and they sound a red alert. They SDF-1 then tries to take off, but they’re not going anywhere because the gravity mines have a hold of them now. They detect that a power source underground is keeping them from escaping.

Geraro tells Khyron that the mines are now at maximum effect and Khyron gleefully orders his forces to attack. We see that there are thousands of Battlepod’s appearing on the horizon and it appears that the SDF-1 and it’s crew are so fucked. It turns out that the device that is keeping them down is about three miles underground. Once again we get a big huge battle with Destroids, Battlepods and Veritech’s being destroyed. Khyron mad with battle lust laughs and says, “They fell for it, now kill them!”

Khyron's Officer PodVeritechs

Jesus, right out of the gate three squadron’s have already been wiped out but Gloval tells the bridge crew to calm their asses down and that he has a plan. Apparently the base has a Reflex furnace in it. If Lisa can get to it and blow it up, they may have a chance to escape. Lisa get’s the order and she goes off to do it. Gloval not helping matters puts all the pressure on her by reminding her of the 70,000 people who are on board the ship.

Captain Gloval

She finally finds the control room and puts everything into overdrive to blow the base up. Right away Gloval orders a recall of all their forces to get back on board the battle fortress. In her helmet’s comm’s Claudia is telling Lisa to get her ass back on board. Just as Lisa is running to escape, the corridor seals itself off. As she turns around to look for another way out, she spots Carl’s room. It simply says Rieber on the door. She walks in and starts crying saying, “Oh darling, I’ve finally made it.”


It seems like Lisa has decided to just stay behind to die because she’s not answering Claudia anymore. Back to the battle Roy orders Rick to go and pick up Lisa. We then see Rick coming into his own and killing a bunch of Zentraedi with ease. Roy points out that he’s gotten a lot better. It’s funny how he spots Lisa just sitting there like an idiot through the window of Carl’s room. He tells her to stand back because he’s going to punch through the window using the Guardian’s fist. Lisa get’s all pissed off and she tells him that she’s not leaving the room. When she see’s that he’s not listening she tries to make it an order. But Rick replies with, “I have no idea what’s happening but my life is at stake now too, so come on!” After she tells him no again, Rick literally man handles her and says, “No way, you have to come.”

Rick BattaloidLisa Battaloid hand

Rick blasts off with Lisa yelling, “Rieber!!” All of a sudden we see the base beginning to explode until the whole thing goes up. Battlepod after Battlepod are being destroyed by the explosion and debris it’s causing. Through what looks like a tornado on Mars, the SDF-1 painfully, slowly takes off from the surface. Shit, if Carl wasn’t dead before he sure is now. In Mar’s orbit Lisa is still in the fist of the Guardian and is crying over the fact that she couldn’t die like an idiot in Carl’s room.

Lisa yellingBattlepods destoryed

Back on the surface Khyron opens the hatch to his now destroyed Officers Pod and starts to punch the shit out of the control panel yelling, “I HATE TO LOSE A FIGHT!!” But then laughs cause he’s totally insane and says, “But we’ll meet one another again and next time I’ll win.” On board the Prometheus’s flight deck Rick is standing there gawking at Lisa and now feels torn because he finds himself being attracted to her. But at the same time he still wants to call Minmei his girlfriend. Even though she completely made it clear that she friend zoned him and their relationship is going nowhere.

Khyron pissedLisa, RickLisa, Flight deck

Again, this was another good episode. For some reason I’ve always remembered since a kid that they fought on Mars, but I had completely forgotten about the creepy relationship that Lisa had with Carl.

Firsts: Khyron, Grel and Geraro are introduced.

Robotech Death Count: I would say maybe 100 Veritech and Destroid pilots got killed while the Zentraedi once again had their casualties in the 1000’s.

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Episode 5, “Transformation”

Hey everyone. Sorry for the big delay in reviews. I took on a little too much and this one got the shaft. But I’ll try to update this more regularly.

title transformation

So we start once again with yet another recap. I don’t have to repeat everything because we all know what’s happened since the first episode. The narrator comes on and explains how they’re still in the orbit of Pluto and the citizen’s of Macross Island have rebuilt the city inside. Yes I know, that itself was a bit of a recap.

Monster Destroid

Inside the Chinese restaurant, Minmei is cleaning up and humming Here Comes The Bride. She’s probably thinking of the mock wedding she forced Rick to part take in because she’s a selfish asshole. Her uncle Max and Aunt Lena come in and Max is complaining about getting a little packet for rations. Tubby is lucky he got anything. Lena asks her how Rick is doing and she mentions that he’s still in bed. Aunt Lena saying that after watching over her for two weeks, he deserves a rest. See, even aunt Lena knows what a pain in the ass Minmei is.

Uncle Max, Minmei, Aunt Lena

Minmei then asks them if they’re going to reopen the restaurant, but uncle Max is all, “What do you mean open the restaurant?” And Minmei being annoying perky says that it would be fun to reopen and they can make do with what they have. She’s so sure that the military will give them extra food. That just shows how she thinks that everyone will just give her what she wants. And you know what? She does get what she wants. Minmei goes to change and she has a Chinese dress and Princess Leia hair now.

minmei chinese outfit

The mayor and his prude of a wife see that they’re trying to reopen the restaurant and he get’s all annoyed with them. But Minmei being a master manipulator convinces him that it’s the best idea in the world. Just then another six wheeled jeep pulls up with a couple of solders and they can’t believe their fucking eyes. Minmei invites them inside and tries to take their order. Right away the guys starts asking her in not a subtle way if they were keeping busy fucking their brains out the whole time they were missing. Minmei get’s all pissed off and tells them that Rick’s just her friend.

Poor Rick, he’s standing on the stairs and hears the exact moment when Minmei banishes him into the friend zone. He goes into his room and flashes back to Minmei bitching about dying and then begging to be held.


In some lab or whatever it is on board the SDF-1 Captain Gloval has a conversation with the strange looking Dr Lang. I say that he’s strange looking because his eyes are completely black and he has a German accent. But apparently Dr Lang is Robotechnology’s resident expert, so Gloval goes to him with all the important technical questions. The main question being if the main gun is useful still. But since the goddamn Fold System just happened to do a vanishing act, it took all the conduit that would have gone to the main gun. So it’s useless. But A HA! Dr Lang explains that the SDF-1 is modular also, so it can change it’s shape so that the main gun can become functional again. But Gloval thinking about the citizen’s of the ship doesn’t want to do it because changing the shape of the ship would seriously fuck up Macross city big time, so he doesn’t want to disrupt their lives anymore then he has to. Saying, “No, it would be too much!”

Dr Lang SDF-1 Schematic

Back at the restaurant. Rick passes by and Minmei says, “Oh hi Rick.” But Rick just keeps on walking without saying a word. What a surprise, she actually noticed that he’s depressed. In some hanger Rick is looking at the wreckage of his racer plane and Roy comes along asking to see his junk pile. Rick get’s all pissed off and points out again how he won the amateur flying circus 8 years in a row. Again, that’s something that one shouldn’t be bragging about Rick. Roy just blows him off and asks him to take a walk with him.

Rick walking by

Outside of the Battle Fortress they seemed to have connected both of the aircraft carriers to it. Rick can’t believe what he’s seeing, especially seeing the Veritech’s flying out in the vacuum of space. But that’s Robotechnology for you baby! Roy not beating about the bush asks Rick to join up with the defense forces. But Rick is adamant about not joining up. Rick tries to bring up the fact that Minmei changed her personality with him virtually over night. Roy just blows him off and mentions how Minmei asked him to have a talk with him. Roy tells him to go on and have a talk with her. But before he leaves he mentions how a girl like her is fickle as hell and will probably end up getting with one of the fighter pilots on board. So Rick shouldn’t wait too long to make a move.

Prometheus flight deck rick roy

We cut back to Lunar orbit with the Zentraedi fleet and Breetai and Exedore are checking out videos from the battle that happened on the surface of Macross Island. We come upon scene after scene of fucked up images of human beings being killed in all sorts of horrible ways. Even some poor bastard being kicked off a building from a Battlepod. But the thing that troubles them is the fact that the humans are super small. The Zentraedi refer to anything smaller than they are as Micronians. Exedore being a huge geek in the Zentraedi world tells Breetai of an old legend warning them to keep their filthy mitts off of any Micronian planets that happen to come across. Why? He doesn’t say, but he suggests caution. But Breetai doesn’t give a shit about such foolish things. He orders a fold to go and find the SDF-1 again. So off they go!

battlepod dying human people getting killed

In Minmei’s bedroom they have some small talk and Rick notices a letter on top of her dresser. Rick being stupid assumes that it’s a love letter from some douchebag that she’s banging. But she tells him to read it if he likes. Rick not being able to give her any privacy right away opens it up and reads it. Turns out that she was accepted for the Miss Macross pageant. Minmei mentions how all her dreams are over and who care’s if she’s a star on board the SDF-1. She asks Rick if he has a dream and he mentions how his dream is all fucked up in some hanger some where and he can’t help being all emo. He says, “I’ll never have another dream again. Even Minmei get’s annoyed and says, “Oh Rick!”

Uh oh. Out in space we see the SDF-1 cruising by, but all of a sudden there’s a big flash of light behind them. Right away radar detects the Fold jump and Gloval orders a counter attack. The pilots then rush to their Veritechs. The carriers launching squadron after squadron. Rick and Minmei seemed to have found a perch high up on the ship and all of a sudden an alarm goes off and someone on the PA gives an air raid warning. She asks him if they’ll be alright. Rick all surly says not to worry about it because Roy will take care of it. “As usual.” For once thinking of Rick, she tries to kiss his ass and tells him that he’s as good a pilot as Roy is.

rick minmei

Once again Robotech gives us a massive dog fight, but this time it’s in the cosmos. We see VT’s and Battlepods engaging each other. Blowing each other to shit. Roy mentions how the Battlepods seem to be maneuvering much better out in the vacuum of space.

SDF-1 battle SDF-1 battlepods veritechs roy

In his flagship. Both Breetai and Exedore can’t figure out why they haven’t fired the main gun yet. Exedore being a little bastard suggests fucking with them, just to see what they’ll do. Breetai orders a recon ship to open fire but not to hit the SDF-1 too badly. Right away scores of Veritechs are nailed in the cross fire. It’s a wonder they have any fighter groups left with all the killing going on. Roy meanwhile is showing everyone what a bad ass fighter pilot he is. Taking out scores of Battlepods in the process.

exedore Veritech destroyed

On the bridge of the SDF-1 Gloval loses his cap due to another direct hit. He looks even more like Rasputin then before. Vanessa reports to him that they’ve lost a number of defensive batteries and they won’t be able to be repaired for hours. It’s just one bad damage report after another. The ship is rocked by another explosion again and so Gloval decides to hell with the people of the city and he orders the Modular Transformation in order to fire the main gun.

captain gloval

On the PA Lisa gives the order for the Modular Transformation and for people to head on over to the emergency shelters. Rick and Minmei hear all this information, but then just blow it off because they’re only concerned about their own bullshit. Minmei being a bitch mentions how Roy and the other pilots out there are risking their lives in order to save everyone aboard the ship. Rick definitely picks up on her being sassy and get’s pissed off. He mentions how if he joins up that he can get killed but Minmei says that all the solders are in exactly the same position. Rick says, “Oh yeah? The same position, you would be the one to know, now wouldn’t you?” Oh burn, take that ho!

In the bridge the countdown for the transformation is up and Gloval orders it to be done. Back on their little perch Rick says, “You know Minmei, sometimes I think it would be better if they never have found us.” Minmei all upset now says, “I can’t believe I’m hearing that from you. How can you be so cruel. Oh I hate you!!” Rick tells her that the feeling is mutual but they’re interrupted by the whole fucking ship coming apart in sections. The place where they were at suddenly splits in half and Minmei hangs on for dear life or else she’s going to fall all the way down to the city. Funny how not even two seconds have passed since she said I hate you and now she’s begging him to save her again. Rick of course jumps across to her side of the spilt and tries to pull her up.

minmei hanging

Outside the ship is changing shape big time. Inside is a different story though. People and cars are being sucked out into space before a big barrier comes down to plug the hole. But people are being killed anyways because whole buildings are coming down, crushing people to death. Roy amazed says, “So that’s the modular transformation.” Now that it’s finished changing shape, the SDF-1 now looks like a huge fucking robot. And who doesn’t like a gargantuan robot?

people killed SDF-1 SDF-1 attack mode

Claudia reports that radar has picked up another attack formation of enemy vessels heading their way. Gloval orders them to ignore that shit and for Claudia to fire the main gun. Claudia flips the switch and this humongous orange beam fires out of the two booms of the main gun. Battlepod after battlepod are destroyed instantly. We get another graphic piece of animation and it’s of a Battlepod coming apart in sections, with armor flying off all over the place until we see the Zentraedi pilot being exposed and then vaporized. This is a shot that I’ve remembered since I first saw it as a kid. But not only are the fighters destroyed, but so is the scout ship. Breetai and Exedore have no idea what just happened.

SDF-1 main gun

battlepod battlepod 2 Zentraedi pilot killed

In the bridge the gals are celebrating completely annihilating the enemy contacts. Gloval all subdued orders a full damage report. On the PA some announcer tells the people that whatever damage occured was regrettable but the fire of the main gun completely fucked up the enemy forces and then thanks them for their cooperation. Minmei just can’t help being a bitch and says, “Well Rick you said you wanted to destroy the town. How do you like it?” Rick should have told her to fuck off, but all he says is, “I didn’t actually expect anything to happen.” Minmei of course being totally selfish and thinking of herself wonders out loud if their restaurant was destroyed. All of a sudden Rick announces to her that he’s going to join the defense forces. Any viewer of this can tell that he’s just doing it to please her.

Macross City destroyed Minmei and Rick

So this was another good episode, had plenty of good action and great animation. Minmei of course was irritating as hell, but we’ve all come to expect that now. But stay tuned for next time because the next episode is another good one as they have a battle in the rings of Saturn.

Firsts: SDF-1 Transformation.

Robotech Death Count: Well with the people dying in the transformation and whole Veritech squadrons being destoryed, I would say that close to 300 may have died. Who knows how many thousands of Zentraedi died in the battle though.

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Episode 3, “Space Fold”

Space Fold

We get yet another recap of what’s happened in the last two episodes. We already know what happened, so why repeat everything again? The SDF-1 is heading up towards space surrounded by a fighter escort, and in the next frame where we see Roy’s fighter, Skull 1 flying up to catch up to it, we notice how the animation has gone down hill big time. I mean what is up with that? It was beautifully animated in the first two episodes and all of a sudden it’s like they said fuck it and made it look very mediocre at best. But thankfully, this is the only episode where it looks like a big pile of donkey shit. Sure other episodes could have been better, but this one takes the cake. Towards the middle and the end, the show once again is going to be gorgeously animated.

Anyways, Roy radios Rick, but he won’t answer back. So Roy tells Lisa that he’s going back to the island to look for something he left behind. Lisa being pushy, she demands to know why he wants to go back so bad for. Roy tells her all about how Rick is a civilian and that’s why she can’t find his name in any military registries. She knows she fucked up big time because these Veritech’s and what they can do are very classified.

sdf 1 shitty animation


Back on Macross, the Battlepods and Battloids are still fighting it out. We then see that Rick is still being a big bitch about all the fighting, but he finally comes to his senses. He then notices that Minmei is actually alive. Bummer. He tries to move away from the giant alien corpse before she notices it and has a big hissy fit. But the Zentraedi has an iron grip on the foot of the Guardian. So they’re not going anywhere. They both start to panic when they see this giant shadow coming out of all the smoke, but it turns out that it’s just Roy. Man, these Veritechs do everything. Roy some how disconnects the cockpit area of the fighter and attaches it to his Battlloid’s arm. They get chased by some Battlepods but they easily get away and off they go to the SDF-1 which is already in orbit.

Rick Minmei dead Zentraedi Skull 1

Finally all the Veritech’s seem to be getting recalled back to it, except for Roy and Rick’s fighter. Gloval’s next move is to link up with Armor’s 1 and 10. Lisa notices that the aliens don’t appear to be attacking them anymore, ever since they left the ground. Gloval admits that it’s bothering him too, I guess Russians have a more acute danger sense than the rest of us.

Back to Roy, Rick and Minmei. Rick is busy telling Roy that Minmei doesn’t want to go to the ship, She wants to go back to Macross Island. Roy tells them that they’re out of their fucking minds if she thinks that they’re going to go back down there. She starts to whine and Roy tries to reassure her that she will go back and he’ll take her down personally. Rick let’s on how attached he is to her already and blurts out, “What do you mean you’ll take her back? I will!” Which really makes him look like a stage one clinger already. Roy tells them both to please shut up as he’s trying to get in touch with the bridge. Lisa of course comes on the screen and she says, “So that’s our civilian pilot, I was wondering why he didn’t know how to fly his plane.” Rick then calls her an old sourpuss which really pisses Lisa off. She starts to threaten Roy about being court martialed for giving one of the Veritech’s over to a civilian pilot, even though she was the one who ordered him up there. She then tries to threaten Rick, but Rick is all, “Yeah, yeah yeah.” Roy finally lands in one of the landing bays. Thank God, that was going long.

lisa old sourpuss

Back on Earth the Zentraedi  pick up what remains of their ground forces. Exedore with his giant head point’s out that only half of them made it back. Exedore is afraid that if they leave Earth’s orbit then they’ll be able to execute a hyper space fold and get them far away from them. Breetai decides to apply a little pressure, Zentraedi style. So this of course means more killing. Oddly enough, the scenes with the Zentraedi looks like they’re the only ones that are animated quite good.

exedore breetai

On board the SDF-1 Roy is driving this weird looking six wheeled jeep and takes Rick to his goofy looking plane. Rick can’t contain his joy of seeing it and is so thankful that he makes Roy embarrassed for him because he’s doing this in front of Minmei. They’re interrupted by an announcement saying that they’re about to dock with Armor’s 1 and 10 so Roy needs to go back to his station. So of course he just leaves them there, but he warns them not to wonder off cause the ship just happens to be really fucking massive and they would easily get lost.

rick minmei roy

Just as they’re about to dock Breetai orders the Earth fleet to be destroyed except for the SDF-1. So they just let loose and the Earth ships are easily taken out. Gloval wants to know where all the firing came from and Vanessa the tech nerd tells him that it came from Lunar orbit. The other bridge girls tell Gloval that the ship received no damage at all. So it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that the aliens want the SDF-1, especially since they’re leaving an SDF-1 shaped firing pattern and destroying everything else. Gloval then orders Claudia the sassy black chick to take them back down to Macross Island and at 2000 feet to execute a Space Fold jump. Where you may ask? To behind the moon of course. But that makes no sense at all, because the Zentraedi are in Lunar orbit. Claudia then fucks things up by continuing to question his orders. But who can blame her, the system hasn’t even been tested so I’d be nervous to use it too. But she gives Gloval too much lip so the Rasputin he has inside of him comes out and he tells her to shut the fuck up and to do as she’s ordered. She says all pissed off, “Yes sir Captaiiin!” Really, she says captain really weird.

armor 1 destroyedclaudia gloval

Back to the hanger where Roy left them. Rick is trying to act like a big shot and he tells Minmei that he’s going to take her back to the island like he promised. Minmei asks him what a fold is, but all stupid Rick says is, “Oh, nothing to do with us.”He totally planned it this way. The cockpit is way too small so Minmei is forced to sit on his lap. Rick you slick bastard, I’m impressed! And yeah, he’s lucky that they were back on Earth because he just opens the bay door and if they were in space they both would have been sucked out and killed immediately. But all he see’s are the clouds and it’s windy as hell up there. He takes off and is rocked about with the high air currents.

rick minmei

They don’t even get close to making it down because just then the Fold jump happens and holy shit it’s all violent. This sphere appears and covers not only the SDF-1, but Macross island and even the waters around it. Which means the aircraft carriers that were there in the bay are caught up in it too. It flashes and then it just disappears. It leaves this giant wake where the water used to be and it quickly fills back up. So Gloval probably started a huge Tsunami with that little maneuver.

sdf space fold

The Zentraedi then see this big flash on their screen’s and Breetai and Exedore can’t believe what they’re seeing. Apparently, it’s a big no-no to execute a Space Fold that close to a planet, let alone the surface of one. They act all pissed off, but what do you expect of someone who doesn’t know how to use the goddamn thing?

The sphere all of a sudden appears in deep space and then disappears. The waters around Macross instantly turn into ice. But not only that, Ice covers the entire city and the air craft carriers as well. Rick and Minmei are instantly in deep shit, because the canopy get’s all frosted over so he can’t see shit out of it. Vanessa tells Gloval that there’s this huge object right beneath them and Gloval just assumes that it’s the moon, but Vanessa tells him that it’s too small for it. They see it on the monitor screen and they quickly realize that it’s Macross Island and they’re heading straight towards it. They try to turn away from it, but they can’t. So they crash right into the city. The SDF-1 destroying a bunch of buildings in it’s path. Shit, pretty much the entire city really.

sdf 1 macross island

Minmei points out how beautiful the view is and talks about how romantic the situation is. But she must be retarded or something, because she doesn’t seem to realize how much deep shit they’re really in. Especially since they’re stuck in Rick’s lousy propeller plane. But Rick definitely knows. It doesn’t help that debris hits them and it cracks the canopy a little. Minmei notices a hiss sound and Rick tries to reassure her that it’s normal. I guess she’s too stupid to realize that it’s oxygen escaping through the crack. Luckily though, the boosters on Rick’s plane still work, so he’s able to maneuver just a little.

minmei moron

Finally they spot the battle fortress and by the look of things, it seems that the fighting has started between them and whatever Zentraedi were left on the island. Rick tries to get into one of the landing bays, but he forget’s that they close them during combat. So they’re fucked. All of a sudden, this Battlepod comes flaming by and explodes on the side of the ship. Rick get’s a bright idea and guns whatever’s left of his thruster’s into the big fucking hole the explosion made. Just as they’re about to make it in, this big metal panel comes down to close the hole. That’s a pretty convenient thing to have on your space ship. It’s self repairing! Anyways, they land upside down why being tangled on a bunch of cables above the deck. They start laughing like maniac’s because they can’t believe they’re alive.

SDF 1 fighting rick minmei stranded

Back on the bridge Gloval asks them if they’ve been able to get in contact with headquarter’s yet. But Claudia tells him that she hasn’t been able to raise them. They all don’t understand why they’re all in the black, especially since all their systems are functioning normally. Gloval then orders Vanessa for a reading on where they are. Vanessa tells them that according to the computer, they’re around the planet Pluto. Gloval can’t believe his ears, because he’s realized that he’s fucked up big time. Claudia being a bitch says, “I was against this Fold system all along!” He tells them not to panic since they can simply just Fold back to where they came from. Or so he thinks. He get’s a phone call and says, “What it can’t be? It’s not possible!” Once he get’s off the phone the bridge girls ask him what happened and he tells them that the fucking Fold system has completely vanished into thin air. Kim and Sammy start to cry because they realize that they’ll never get back to Earth space. But here, they look like they just spontaneously decided to make out.  Anyways, Gloval steps out of the bridge, lights up his pipe and says, “Well, it’s gonna be a long trip.” Yeah, no shit. It’s going to be years.

bridge crew gloval

This was a pretty good episode too. But the poor animation really brought it down.  Thankfully, it get’s good again in the next episode. Well actually, this episode was spotty at best, went from being really bad, to good again. The next episode though, is one of the most boring episodes of the series. Because yes, we follow Rick and Minmei’s misadventures as they’re lost inside the ship. Stay tuned for next time. But that really doesn’t make you want to read the next entry huh. Oh well.

Robotech Death Count: Let’s see I would say a couple of hundred to a thousand people with the Earth fleet being destroyed in orbit like that. I’m telling you, almost every episode at least one human being dies.